Gile nih software harganya "$599.95" ini duit apa rumput?! sekilas ini software mirip sama HTTrack tapi dengan fitur yang wah banget "ada harga ada rupa", malah awal nya saya kira ini software FTP uploader, ternyata bukan hehehehehe.
Nih gan fitur nya :
- A Powerful, Easy-to-Use Interface.
- An Internal Web Browser.
- Support for Today's Hot Technologies (Java scripts, Java applets, cookies, post requests, referrers, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Macromedia Flash, XML/XSL files, Contents (.TOC) files, and MPEG3 list files (.M3U) ).
- FTP, HTTPS, RTSP and MMS Access.
- Access to Protected Web Sites.
- Flexibility in Working with the Web.
- Universal Formatting.
- Total User Control of Downloads.
- Web Site Snapshots Over Time.
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